AMPLIFY D.A.I presents its first 3-year report


AMPLIFY D.A.I presents its first 3-year report: an overview and inventory of the program’s activities and outcomes

Launched in 2018, AMPLIFY Digital Arts Initiative (D.A.I) is an initiative of the British Council and MUTEK Montréal in partnership with MUTEK Argentina, Artlab, Oi Futuro and Somerset House Studios. The programme is supported by Canada Council for the Arts, INAMU and  Fundación Williams.

In its first 3 years, the program has gathered 80 women artists and professionals representing 8 different nationalities, across 3 continents, to build an active network of creators working in electronic music, digital arts, sound and immersive storytelling sectors in Canada, Latin America and the UK. Harnessing different cultures and experiences, AMPLIFY D.A.I fosters a platform for dialogue on gender equity and commits resources to career and capacity building activities, peer exchanges and opportunities for cohort participants to showcase their work in the context of dynamic, contemporary festivals, events and residencies, and now it is presenting its first report with an overview and inventory of its activities and outcomes. 

The report includes key reflections and learnings, provides context on the gender inequality landscape with measurements related to gender visibility at partner events, analyses the transformations in the sector, and presents data that evidences positive change in the number of women participating in public showcases. The effects of the program on the cohort of artists is likewise measured with quantitative questionnaires and qualitative feedback related to experience, professional development and connections, skills, knowledge and confidence.    

To read or download the AMPLIFY D.A.I Report Summary Deck, please click here: